August 23rd - Loreley
Yard festival, Loreley DE
11:00 AM
The day starts pretty bad. I'd told my
wake-up caller to wake me at 9:00 so I could get to the festival pretty
early to see some other bands and stuff :-) but it turned out otherwise.
11 'o clock it was and things could only get better from now (at least,
that's what I thought) Anyway, I jumped into my pants (literally) washed
myself and drove off to Lorely. According to the routeplanner the trip
would take about 3,5 hours. (my parents think I'm getting more insane the
older I get :-)) Anyway at least my driving knowledge improves with the
months, cause with the last tourtrip in mind (read somewhere below on the
messageboard) I drove the whole way without making one single detour. Yes,
I'm good!! :D
2:30 PM
I arrive in Lorely after transferring the
Rhein river with a boat ferry that takes cars over the river. The view on
the city St.-Goarshausen (which is close to Lorely) was awesome! Nice town
with beautiful mountainous surroundings and a lot of old castles and
houses. A really nice atmosphere! Then, about 10 min later I arrived at
the festival. The Yard festival is a really cosy one. It's in the middle
of fields and small hills and the festival place itself is in a sort of
old amphitheater style like thing. (like with stairs getting up towards
the end. )
Everything nice so far...But then the
entrance: "you're not allowed to take a videocamera sir" I was
like: .."but I do have permission from the band, so what is the
problem then?" Anyway I was allowed to take photos, but I couldn't
take a videocamera in. But as my digital videocamera and my photocamera
are one, I couldn't either take pics nor shoot a video :(.
But... it wouldn't have been me if I
hadn't smuggled in my MD to record the show :-). I hadn't mentioned
anything at the entrance about audiotaping, so they didn't know I was
going to. So, I was excited to get the show at least on MD. But then: Bad
luck number 3: When I checked my MD after the show, it seemed to have
stopped recording for some reason after the first song...so I didn't have
a recording, nor a video nor pictures to share with y'all...:(.
Back to when I arrived: a band called
Sizzla was playing and I don't know if you know them, but they're a great
reggae band...so the vibes at the festival were pretty ok, except for the
crowd. I haven't seen so few people at a festival ever...But I can't put a
number on it cause I'm a bad guesser (does this word exist in English? but
I *guess* you know what I mean. :P) Fortunately I had a nice chat with
Dave before the show, so the day was getting better and better.
4:30 PM
Spearhead comes on stage while everyone
was sitting on the benches of the old Amphitheatre. If there were 5 people
that knew Spearhead over there it must have been much.( and that's no
exaggeration :)) Everyone seemed to look like: 'I have no clue about what
I'm going to hear now.' And my first impression got confirmed. During the
first songs people were just sitting there and looking around. There were
a few people standing up and dancing (like me :D) But I must say, the band
did a really good job to convince the people over there of their quality.
After 'Yes I will' and the reggae version of 'People in tha middle'
(probably the people were expecting a reggae band as it was reggae
festival after all) more people stood up and danced. The frowns (with the
look like: What is this, no reggae?) disappeared and a whole lot of people
were smiling and dancing. Especially the last part with the trio
'Sometimes, Sleng Teng and Taxi Radio' convinced a large part of the
'small' audience. So after the show I felt a lot better than before the
show, thanks guys for making me smile again!
When the show was over Michael jumped
into the audience (nothing special you'd say, he does that every time),
but this time he was carrying a sort of a cow bell and a stick to hit the
bell and he was singing Taxi Radio while walking through the crowd. For
about a few minutes the crowd kept singing 'Ohweeoohh Taxi Radio' while
Michael was hitting the bell!! Nice nice...
This is the setlist they played (I mean I
have one on paper from Michael, the friendly soundguy, but as you know the
paper setlist isn't the same as the actual played setlist most of the
time, I'll try to memorise the songs they really played. Here I go:
01. We don't stop
02. What I be
03. Pray for grace
04. Stay Human
05. Yes I will
06. People in the middle (reggae style)
07. Everyone deserves music
08. Bomb the world
09. Sometimes
10. Sleng Teng
11. Taxi Radio