JUNE 29th -
Muffathalle, München DE
I'm really excited to
leave for Munich. According to my routeplanner the trip would take about 8
hours from Belgium. So packed with croissants and two bottles of water my
girl and I leave for the Muffathalle in the far and unknown Germany. First
we drove to reserve a place at a hotel somewhere inbetween Munich and
Amsterdam, to stay after the Muffathalle gig, so Mannheim it became. It
took us 4 hours to go to Mannheim and after driving on the wrong road for
30 min. we finally got to the hotel and booked our room. 5 min later we
were on the way again for Munich, getting more exciting to get there every
minute. (not only to see the show, but also just to get there, cause the
driving took ages!) After again 4 hours we reached Munich... Next thing to
do: Find the Muffathalle...this didn't seem so obvious cause I thing we
saw the whole town asking people where it was, until a nice waitress got a
map of Munich and told us the right way to go. Finally we got there!! And
I must say I was really impressed by the surroundings. I thought Munich
was a rather dirty town, but man the place near the Muffathalle looked
awesome: A river with a small beach, a lovely park, great atmosphere!! The
sun was shining, it was about 28 degrees, it simply was a great day!
After walking around a
bit we decided to eat at the venues cafee. After a few minuted Radio,
Dave, Manas and Carl followed by Michael came up after soundchecking and
they ate at the same place as us. We had a short chat with Radio and
Michael, and well I must say, the long drive was forgotten immediately!!
Not so many people seemed
to come and see the show, cause the venue only sold 65 tickets at presale,
but when the band started at 10.30 PM there were about 200 people there,
even on a Sunday eve!! The show was amazing, really intense and energetic.
I really liked Michael doing 'Feelin' free' solo. He turned off his guitar
and stepped away from the microphone, singing the song completely
'acoustic'. It was lovely, you could hear a mouse walking in the venue
during the song. Radio's beatboxing was amazing again. He did a great
beatbox playing panflute and a harmonica at the same time!! WICKED!
Another funny thing was Michael introducing 'Bomb the world' in German:
'Ich glaube wir solten keinen Krieg gegen den Terrorismus führen. Ich
glaube wir solten einen Krieg gegen den Militair führen.' (As I'm not a
native German speaker there might be some misstakes in my text :-)) For
those who don't understand a word of German, it means something like: I
don't believe we shold have a war against terorrism. We should be engaging
in a war against militarism.
The band looked in a
great shape! Playing concentrated and intense and in the meantime they
looked like they were having a lot of fun on stage. Another song I loved
was the dancehall reggae classic 'Sleng Teng' they played before Taxi
Radio. The bassline was so fat, extremely 'in the place'! And then the
last song 'Never too late' was in my opinion the greatest of the whole
set. Michael's son Ade came up on stage and Michael sang the whole song
with the little boy in his arms. It was really sweet!! Michael told it was
the first time Ade came up on stage while playing the song! It was
After an amazing 3 hour
gig and getting hugged by Michael, my girl and I had to leave for the
hotel in Mannheim, which included a 4 hour drive on the way back...But due
to less traffic on the road at night we managed to get at the hotel by 4
am and we went to bed immediately. After a good but short sleep we got
back on the road at 9 am. Amsterdam was waiting for us! - Johan
Love invincible
People in tha Middle (reggae style)
Of course you can
What I be
Pray for grace
Every single soul
Yes I will
We don't mind
Radio solo
Rock the nation
Stay Human
Everyone deserves music
Feelin' free < What's going on < Feelin' free
Closer to the sky
Bomb the world
We don't stop
Sleng Teng
Taxi Radio
Never too late